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Today's Speakers


Featured Speaker: Jamie Kahl Miller

Western Astrology's 4 Element System and its Uses

Your Moon Sign MP4

A video recording all about what you need to feel safe, secure and well taken care of, along with a lovely infographic that summarizes your needs according to your Moon. The Moon is the Universal Mother archetype in you. Understanding your Moon allows you to engage in the form of self-care that restores you the most effectively and to arrange your home to be exactly the right nest for you to relax in deeply. The Moon is your key to happiness, emotional security, and great parenting.

Jamie Kahl Miller founded the Pandora Astrology practice in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1992. Her team’s reading of your chart as “owner’s manual” empowers you to create satisfying relationships and career success, and discover your life purpose. She sees clients, teaches classes and delivers world news.

Featured Speaker: Eva Medilek

How to Have Influence at Home, at Work and In Your Communities

6 Powerful Ways of Being to Foster Effective Communication and Connection in your Relationships

When you get so caught up in what you are doing, you lose sight of how you are BE-ing in your relationships at home, at work and in your life. When you learn to show up powerfully in your relationships, you will achieve extraordinary results in every area of your life. Download the 6 Powerful Ways of Being Guide book today so that you can have happy, healthy, vital relationships in all areas of your life.

Eva Medilek is a Certified High Performance Coach and a Relationship Success Coach. She specializes in helping powerful, successful women have happier, healthier, more intimate connections in their relationships without giving up their power. 

She uses her leadership, transformational and high performance training to teach you the pillars of high performance as well as showing you how to communicate in a way that fosters intimacy, influence and connection in your personal and professional life.

Featured Speaker: Allana Pratt

Authenticity as a Gateway to Abundance

Intimacy Blindspot Quiz

A quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve.

Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt is a global media personality and go-to authority for those who have suffered heartbreak and are ready to live unapologetically, and attract an open-hearted, ideal relationship. Her vulnerability and courage landed her a featured weekly column on the GoodMenProject, featured as an Icon of Influence, and as Guest Expert on Huffington Post, People Magazine, Forbes, CBS & FOX and The Jenny McCarthy Show. This Ivy League grad is the Author of 6 books, has interviewed Whoopi Goldberg and Alanis Morissette, and Hosts the edgy Podcast “Intimate Conversations” where listeners learn how to find the relationship they deserve. A certified coach with close to 5 million viewers on YouTube, Allana was asked by Leeza Gibbons to coach her during Dancing with the Stars. While supporting a number of non-profits, Allana offers private and group coaching plus retreats so that her clients have a thriving intimate relationship with themselves first, which naturally attracts and enhances their ideal partnerships.

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